Nephesh Academy is a team of like-minded coaches and health professionals who are committed to see you thrive in your health and wellness. We believe in sustainable transformation and our aim is to help you gain inevitable success.

Are you at the place where you feel stuck and desire change? Desire a community of support around you?

Tired of the same old unhealthy mindsets and
habits and entrapped in a vicious cycle?

It’s time to take action.

There is hope and hope WITH action is powerful.

Our multi-discipline community is here to help you move forward in hope and put action into place so you can get the breakthrough you long for. Whether you are someone facing a medical issue; simply desire to increase your overall health and vitality, or an athlete needing breakthrough, our academy is sure to offer you solutions. Come as you are, and get the change, breakthrough, and sustainable transformation you’re longing for and know that you are believed in and championed!

Take action and book your FREE discovery session below to get started!

Our vision & mission

Nephesh Academy is a group of like-minded people, ministries and small businesses who are dedicated to the wholistic transformation of the individual.

Our vision is communities of people thriving in all of their capabilities, despite their circumstances, demographics, and limitations, empowering them to love, and care for, themselves, others and God. This means a life that is functionally fit in their mind, body and spirit.

Our mission is to equip individuals and communities with the paradigms, principles and tools that allow them to thrive, become “unstuck” and live wholisticaly healthy. We are committed to collaborate with others who are like minded, while training and releasing others to do the same.

& Strategies

Our methods are apostolic and we utilize a variety of strategies to help individuals achieve their goals and needs.

Our methods and strategies are offered online and in person and we are consistently in prayer about our innovation.

We use a variety of dynamic and wholistic tools within our teaching and coaching. See our scope of practice below.

  • teaching and speaking

  • life coaching

  • functional health coaching

  • nutrition coaching

  • physical fitness coaching

  • collaboration with other like minded ministries, businesses and professionals

Our Values

The Hebrew word Nephesh expresses the reality of a a person’s entire being: mind, body, and spirit although it is most commonly translated as soul. Please check out this digital explanation of the meaning behind our name by clicking here. An academy is both a community of like minded dedicated people and a physical establishment. 

Our values are expressed through our name and as our code of conduct between one another on our team, in our relationships with our clients, and in our communities. They are the foundation of everything we do.

Value the Individual - We believe every person on earth is created unique and inherently valuable. No one is more or less special than any other one, but every one is distinct in a variety of ways.

Discerning - Together we do our best to discern how God wants to work with you in this process of thriving. We believe the proverb, “Lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Him and he will make your paths straight.”

Wholistic - We are committed to the fullness of how you are created - your mind, body, spirit. We define wholistic as the philosophy that all parts of a thing are interconnected.

Functional - We believe that by working closely with our clients, we can help uncover the underlying things holding them back from breakthrough. We do this in a wholistic approach.

Catalytic - We help catapult you forward into lifelong change by coming along you for a season to ignite change and help coach you on the right path forward.

Collaborative - We value unity and working together with other businesses and ministries to accomplish more.

Committed to Excellence - An academy, by definition, is a grouping of people committed to excellence in a particular area. We are committed to continuing our learning and delivering the best services possible. God says what ever you do, do with all your heart, all your mind and all your soul.

Integrity -we are committed to truthful, accurate, timely and relevant communication. We believe good communication is essential for building trust with our clients. Our coaches are committed to living lifestyles in alignment with our coaching philosophy. We live what we teach.

Integrated - We integrate many techniques, tools and modalities to help bring wholistic breakthrough. In addition, action points and habit changes that you integrate into daily life will simultaneously help you function in your daily life. We also believe your mind, body and spirit operate as one integrated whole - your being.


Work in Teams - As an academy, we believe working in teams is crucial to the overall well-being of our clients and our organization. This allows for a diversity of ideas, strengths and outcomes united around our love for God, people and overall vision and mission.

Innovative - We are committed to doing new things in new ways to achieve the same result. We aim to be creative.

Accountability - We are accountable to God with all that we say and do. We are committed to our scope of practice and to our clients. We are committed to eldership counsel. This means we submit our practices to our elders to keep us in line with our values. We expect the same for our clients, to accept the accountability from our coaches and welcome it open handedly.

Empowering - We help equip you to take small significant action steps and encourage you to apply the revelation and paradigms you encounter.

Biblical Worldview- We are committed to continually reviewing and grounding our paradigms, principles and practices on God, His word, increasing our excellence and growth as an academy.

Sustainable Transformative Coaching

We believe you can thrive no matter what your circumstances are. We hold this truth up for you at the center of our coaching: You can be an overcomer!

Our coaches use their certified training, grounded wisdom, prayer, and practical tools to deliver you powerful sessions meeting you right where you are. We construct our coaching programs with a biblical worldview and in a systematic way, taking into account pacing for your individual rate of growth and transformation.

Nephesh Academy’s scope of practice is best described as the following. We are trained to work with individuals and groups in a client-centered process to support your health. Our fitness coaches are experienced in observing and teaching human motion and performance, enabling them to coach in various modalities such as functional fitness, metabolic conditioning, strength training, agility & coordination, and sport-specific fitness training. All our coaches possess the skills required to create trust and rapport with clients. Our health and life coaches are trained in behavior change. Our health, life and nutrition coaching process empowers clients to draw on internal strengths, develop self-knowledge, and embrace strategies for making lifestyle changes necessary for optimal health. Health Coaches do not prescribe, diagnose, treat, or interpret results; rather they guide, educate, and support clients. 


As Nephesh Academy coaches, it’s our aim to help you take small steps to make big changes through our wholistic approach to transformation. We believe little hinges swing big doors when the right system is applied. Our coaching methods reflect this. Habits, which can be health promoting or destructive, are connected to belief and identity. We believe that when you change your habits you change your life!

Through our steps of transformation, we coach you how to break free from self-destructive lifestyles and step into healthy sustainable ones.  Our coaching incorporates evidence-based coaching principles rooted in a christian biblical worldview and discipleship, motivational interviewing, neurolinguistic programming, psychology, behavior science, anatomy, kinesiology, and more.

We understand, and work with, the way our bodies and mind are created.  This includes the brain stem, limbic system and cortex and how each impacts you. Our coaching is centered around seeing you get breakthrough in all three areas of your being, body mind and spirit and all three areas of your mind which, in turn impacts your body and your spirit. 

We believe that sustainable transformational coaching must address three levels of change:  Behavior, Beliefs and IdentityWe are convinced when these work symbiotically, this is where lasting change happens.  We lovingly coach you personally so that you can be in alignment with your desired breakthroughs and we do this at a pace that is right for you.

True transformation can be measured when you switch from something you do - to something you are. This is what sets our coaching philosophy apart from others.

Albert Einstein says, “Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results leads to insanity.”  If you want a different result, you have to be willing to do something different. 

Take action and book your FREE Discovery Session today.

Book your FREE 90 minute Discovery Session.

You matter.
Begin your journey into breakthrough today.

  • Discover what’s been stopping you, slowing you down or keeping you from having the breakthrough in the health that you desire.

  • Walk away with a powerful vision of transformation, and what it will mean for you and for your life.

  • Discuss a plan to create sustained transformation in 90 days or less.