Here is what people are saying…

Before I began my health journey with the coaches from Nephesh academy, I believed that I had to accept, and learn to live with all the physical limitations I had. My body was still suffering from the consequences of growing up as a victim of human trafficking. Decades of trauma impacted my body, soul and spirit in so many ways. Even after years of healing,

I still struggled with frequent infections and fever, poor sleep, high stress levels, daily anxiety attacks, being overweight, severe digestion issues, and lack of body connections to mention a few. I was already counted as a miracle just for being alive. But with the help from my coaches, I realized that even with the limitations I have, I don’t have to settle with surviving... I can thrive!

I started doing TotalFit with Joshua and Maddie, unable to lift hardly any weights at all, unable to run, and very limited in my movement. But with their support and encouragement I’ve slowly, and with consistency become stronger, more fit and more enduring. With the educated support of good qualified coaches I’ve been able to work out consistently without any injuries along the way. Even old injuries I assumed would be permanent, are healing!

As I continued my health journey, I also started working with my health coach Sarah. She met me where I was at, and together we began looking at habits I wasn’t even aware that I had. She helped me increase my awareness and make sustainable changes in regards to many areas of my life. Through the health coaching I gained awareness of my physical body, sleep, exercise, nutrition, self esteem, mindsets. She helped me make connections between symptoms I was having and behaviors, and we unpacked where those were coming from. During my coaching sessions with Sarah I felt challenged to make the changes that I wanted, supported, but never pushed.

In just 3 months, I have seen remarkable improvement. Some of my previous issues aren’t an issue at all any more. But even on days where my body isn’t functioning the way it should, I now have many new tools to use. I’ve learnt new ways of coping that are more constructive than just pushing through. I handle challenges better, and have found a better balance in life. I have learnt to recognize, honor and respect my physical, emotional and spiritual needs in a healthier way.

During these last months, my overall health has improved more than I thought possible. I have together with my Doctor reduced the amount of prescription medications I need daily to function. My sleep is better, my body is stronger, I feel more comfortable being me. I I have many new tools to help me deal with life’s challenges in a more constructive way. Even though I didn’t have weight loss as a goal, I lost a healthy and sustainable 20+ pounds over these last 6 months without even trying because I naturally got more exercise, healthier eating habits and de-stressing. MOST IMPORTANTLY I realized that I was hanging onto my weight for self-protection. The weight started to drop once I let go of this mindset.

I moved away from my hometown to hide and heal, and realized I kept the weight on to hide. I didn't want to speak up or have a voice in anything because then I would be seen.... but I decided during my time in working with Sarah that I no longer want to hide, that I have a voice! My coach was delighted to hear me get this revelation and supported me 100%! I’m now looking for opportunities where I can use my experience and and instill hope in the lives of other sex trafficing victims.

I am very thankful I chose to do the reset and renew. Definitely a great investment in my health! Making changes can be scary and hard, having people to support you along the way makes the entire difference.

- Mary, June 2021

Before starting with Reset and Renew, I knew I needed to lose weight, and I wanted to eat better and get more exercise. But I did not seem to be able to get out of my old habit patterns of just eating whatever sounded good at the time or whatever was fastest and easiest (often processed foods high in sugar and carbs). I would make a stab at dieting, doing a Mediterranean diet, but without any understanding of what foods might be best for me and why. Or I would try a “just eat whatever you want, but not after 8:00pm,” But that too didn’t last long. Exercise-wise I had begun a new plan to break my day onto two slots in the morning, and swim mid-morning, and that was working okay, but was not enough exercise to really help me get fit.

I’d say the biggest transformation for me has been better understanding what foods will have a positive impact , providing nutrition and energy, and not building up fat without having excessive hungry or cravings. As far as workouts my coach has done an excellent job to find things that work within my capacity, but always stretching me to do more than I think I can do. And my strength is increasing.

I have not “arrived” but am in a good process and establishing good choices and patterns. I’m consistently eating healthier, drinking more water, and I’m consistently continuing to lose weight. I have lost in a healthy way, 15 pounds over 90 days, but it’s not just about losing weight - it’s also about firming up, feeling better and having more energy. I’ve gone down 1-2 pant sizes. I also feel more like wearing fun clothes. Doing group fitness with others locally in RESET & RENEW has been very important for me to be able to succeed.

I’m grateful to the Lord for calling these coaches to be here and help many people develop healthier lifestyles that are lasting!

- Dawn, Age 68, December 2020

Before I hired a fitness / nutritional coach with Nephesh Academy, life was chugging along just fine. I was a 45 year old father and husband with a comfortable layer of padding. I felt indifferent about my eating habits, snored at night, and had high blood pressure.

My eyes have been opened in many ways! I began to understand much more about what I am putting in my body and the impact it has. I realize that I can make choices that determine how my body is feeling throughout the day (duhhh!). The workouts have been extremely challenging - in the best way possible.

I am stronger than ever, and feel like I have more energy than I have in a long long time. In some ways I didn't know I didn't have energy… but in hindsight I feel I always knew I could experience life in a better way. I saw my strength considerably increase and I hit my weight loss of goal of 20 pounds in 13 weeks in a healthy sustainable way - no crazy dieting!

Many small things add up - I am on a path to have more vitality and longevity so that I can show up in an intentional, loving, supportive, and exciting way for my family.

- Gordon, Age 46, December 2020

Before RESET & RENEW, life was busy as Mom of three kids, and I felt overwhelmed.  I knew many of the things I should do for my health and wellness but just felt stuck.

I am so thankful for my health and life coach with RESET & RENEW! She not only asked me great questions but I was challenged in making action steps each week and helped keep me accountable which led to habit changes and growth mindset.

It has been such a great journey, and the workouts have made me stronger and more confident.

This has been a beautiful time of growth, I feel healthier, stronger, more organized and excited to be pursuing the dreams that has been on my heart for a long time.

- Deborah, age 48, December 2020

“Hiring Nephesh Academy was the best decision for me and came at just the right time in my life.  You can’t put a price on the massive change I have seen in my life - this program was worth every cent! I have been deeply transformed for life long change - in a way that I never thought was possible for me.”

“I have re-discovered who I was created to be and walked more deeply out of shame and rejection from my past experiences. In addition, the way I used to think about myself, nutrition and fitness has completely been flipped around. I have a new found motivation and joy for exercise and a love of eating fresh, healthy foods.”

During the three month intensive, I was able to loose 10kgs in what felt effortless because of the step by step new habits/ foundations I was laying. I feel amazing and have so much more energy!!!”  

“I can be more present with my kids and I am seeing the things I’ve learned spilling over into my family and changing them too.  I am excited about the future ahead - there is no stopping me now!”

— Ali, Australia, age 38, January 2020

“My coach directed me in finding a way to live joyfully within the boundaries that God has set for health.  She coached me to seek comfort from God in times of trouble and helped me to realize that accountability with others could keep me on track.”  

“When I compare myself with others, it only diminishes how I see myself, but when manageable and meaningful goals are set, moving forward happens step by step and day by day.  Each accomplishment, large or small, can be enjoyed and celebrated!”

“The RESET & RENEW program, over the last twelve weeks, has helped me to really grasp the elegance of the complex whole that is required for living a healthy life. I will never be able to go back to underestimating the impact of the seemly small things (so I will continue to be aware how I eat my food and really look at myself in the mirror each morning, making sure I say something kind).”

“It is my hope that this does not mark the end of a journey into a healthier lifestyle but becomes a seminal moment that will strongly influence everything that comes after.”

Weight Lost: (Getting permission from client)

- Ruth, USA, Age 50, April 2020

“Nephesh Academy were my personal trainers and Totalfit coaches. They have been my game-changer from the moment I started. I have refined my technique, gained strength, which were big goals in my business as tri-athlete.”

Before my fitness coaching with Nephesh Academy, I began to carry out my ideal sense in chiseling my future by swimming for a perfect body. I realized I was naive and veered into what anyone mentioned, true or false, and applied whatever they uttered. I needed guidance.

I came along these functional fitness coaches and they excessively improved my overall strength, fitness, and technique.

”As a result, I was capable of greatly exceeding my dreams and visions for swimming. At the 2019 State Swimming Championship of Hawaii, I was able to place many podium spots: two thirds, a fourth, a fifth, a sixth, and two ninths out of the entire state of Hawaii! I greatly appreciate their hard work and insight, and I’m excited for further achievements! These guys rock!”

- Levi, USA, May 2020

“Prior to my enrollment in the RESET & RENEW program, I had no direction when it came to my physical health and over all wellness. I wasn’t raised with a keen awareness on how food can affect your body/attitude.”

“As I’ve gotten older my blood pressure had become a more prominent issue and I often felt like I didn’t have any energy. Nephesh Academy’s approach to functional nutrition and walking alongside me allowed me to discover for myself which foods were benefiting me and which ones were not - both on a mental and physical level. I learned that it wasn’t just what I ate, but even how I ate. This made all the difference in my energy and stress levels.”

“Now I have been able to take control of my life by using the tools taught to me during our sessions and break habitual habits that in the past I was not able to do.”

“The functional fitness training was helpful in combination with health coaching because they both helped me increase my energy and now I am physically training on a consistent basis and not because I feel I have to but because I enjoy it!

“I also learned that slowing down, becoming aware at the pace I was living each day and abiding even more in the Lord were were key for me. I feel overall happy about my life and the direction I am heading in.”

- Seth, USA, age 34, December 2019

“Before the RESET & RENEW program, I was struggling with depression and a level of hopelessness that I wasn’t truly aware I was carrying. I remember sitting with her in one of our first sessions and feeling stuck trying to imagine a happier/healthier and more vibrant version of myself. I was surprised by this, but knew this absolutely needed to change.”

“Through processing with my coach in each of the sessions I realize now how important it is to have supportive accountability. She would ask me ‘why’ I made the choices I did and we would dig deep to understand where my true obstacles were rooted. This began to be my approach towards food, decisions and other thought processes for me.”

I feel more empowered to make intelligent decisions and gain control over my life. I now have more hope and confidence when I look towards my future, because I feel empowered to make my life what I want it to be and not just get stuck going through the motions. I feel more mindful in my approach towards my relationship with God, my family, friends and my body and my mind.”

- Katie, USA, age 34, December 2019

“I am a mom of 4 young kids. Before being coached, I felt like my life was in chaos. Feelings of overwhelm and frustration would creep in, especially when I couldn’t meet the needs of my children and keep up with all of their demands. Sometimes, when my limits were pushed, I became guarded and would shut down.”

“My coach always came with a listening ear and knew how to ask me the right questions.”

“My coached helped me realized that being more organized means less anxiety, specifically during dinner time, giving me more peace and time to be flexible to do the things we love as a family.”

“I’ve also learned that it is ok to try new things and mess up but have fun in the process. I find that I have been more present with my kids, and I am more aware of how to honor my hunger. I have also been planning more dates with my husband, friends and taking the time to exercise.

“I’m proud of my thought process since I was stuck in a rut for a long time. Nephesh Academy’s coaching has helped me grow in so many ways.”

- Naomi, USA, April 2020

We would love to offer you a FREE 90 minute Discovery Session.

You matter.
Begin your journey into breakthrough today.

  • Discover what’s been stopping you, slowing you down or keeping you from having the breakthrough in the health that you desire..

  • Walk away with a powerful vision of transformation, and what it will mean for you and for your life.

  • Discuss a plan to create sustained transformation in 90 days or less.