6 out of 10 Americans live with at least one chronic disease (lifestyle disease), you don’t have to be one of them, there is hope!

According to the CDC, Six in ten Americans live with at least one chronic disease, like heart disease and stroke, obesity, cancer, or diabetes. These and other chronic diseases are the leading causes of death and disability in America, and they are also a leading driver of health care costs. It’s costing the nation $3.5 trillion dollars in annual health care costs. We wholeheartedly agree, that these chronic disease can be prevented by healthy lifestyles.

Therefore, we at Nephesh Academy refer to these chronic diseases as lifestyle diseases, and we believe in a wholistic approach to tackling them. Whether you are diagnosed and working with your medical professionals, or at risk for lifestyle diseases, we can coach you to comply to doctors orders and/or coach you in a wholistic method for your breakthrough. 

We are excited about our
incorporating exclusive advanced nutrition protocols by leading experts into our wholistic health coaching intensives.

Many people are told by their medical professionals to eat better, sleep better, get active and make changes, but they are left walking out of their appointments facing what seems like a mountain before them! They are left alone, without accountbilty, systems and encouragement to make changes and then ‘book a follow-up” appointment to see how you’re doing. Sound familiar? — ENTER Nephesh Academy! We are willing work along side your medical professional and their recommendations. We encourage our clients to seek medical advice from their doctor before beginning any of our programs.

Do you find yourself saying, the following, “ How can I change, it’s just too hard!”, or “Where do I start?”, “There is so much confusion out there about what is “best". Contact us today for your specific discovery session with one of our qualified coaches, there is hope and you can change!

We recognize not all our clients are struggle with a lifestyle disease, but if you are, you’ve come to the right place. For those that need it, we have professional protocols (with an emphasis on nutrition) from leading experts in the field, that can be woven into our health intensives. Our wholistic coaching (body, mind and spirit) combined with these protocols help get the specific sustained breakthrough you need. It’s a powerful combination, and one we are so blessed to serve you in.

Need Advanced Health & Nutrition Coaching?

When someone enrolls into our health and life coaching intensives, they have the option to add one of our nutrition protocols which are co-founded by the medical professionals mentioned below and the Health Coach Institute. We are grateful for their knowledge and wisdom.

Weight loss

Adapted from her book The Sugar Impact Diet, her weightless protocol is one of the leading in the industry. Our health coaches are trained by JJ Virgin through the Health Coach Institute and through our certification from them we are trained to apply her powerful protocol to our clients. With this protocol, clients take a closer in-depth look at their lifestyle and are empowered to take appropriately paced steps each week to see breakthrough. Combined with our our wholistic coaching system, our accountability and our encouragement this is a win-win combination for anyone needing weightless or experiencing obesity.

JJ Virgin is a certified nutrition specialist, board certified holistic nutritionist and a certified exercise physiologist.

Heart Disease

Dr. Steven Masely partnered up with the Health Coach Institute and our coaches are trained by him to coach people through his exclusive nutritional protocol adapted from two of his best selling books. With this protocol, our wholistic coaching system, our accountability and our encouragement along the way you’re sure to see massive gains in your heart health.

Dr. Masley holds an FAHA, FACN, CNS, CCDA and has been committed to heart disease research, making him a leading expert his the field.


We are proud to say we are certified to coach people in advanced nutrition for diabetes. Thanks to the Health Coach Institute, and sitting under his teaching, we take Dr. Brian Mowll’s exclusive protocol adapted from two of his best selling books, and break it down simply for our clients. With this protocol, our wholistic coaching system, our accountability and our encouragement along the way you’re sure to see breakthrough.

Dr. Brian Mowll is a is a master licensed diabetes educator (MLDE), CDE, and was one of the first doctors to be certified to practice functional medicine by the prestigious Institute for Functional Medicine.

These protocols are not intended to be a substitute for medical, mental or nutritional advice from a physician, therapist, mental health practitioner, dietitian or nutritionist, or any other health-care or wellness professional. We work in compliance with those medical professionals. Do not disregard or delay taking or seeking any medical advice or any medication, or other professional advice based on the information contained in the curriculum. If you have a medical condition, please consult your physician or health professional before undertaking or changing any physical activity or enrolling in our program. We are happy to consult with your medical professionals to bring unity to your care team.
See our
scope of practice for more information.